Tuesday, July 20, 2010

how to make a wetland: wetland contractors!

Today in the MCG office research was focused on gathering up the names of wetland contractors in the North Carolina area that specialize in developing, creating, and restoring natural wetlands. I was particularly impressed with Carolina Silvics,Inc. http://tiny.cc/i368t, and Restoration Systems LLC, http://www.restorationsystems.com/, two wetland contracting firms based in North Carolina.

Carolina Silvics, Inc. was founded in 1998 and specializes in ecological restoration and resource management. Their environmental services include:
-Planting plan assistance
-Plant material acquisition
-Invasive species removal and control
-Site preparation and repair
-Wetland/BMP planting, including plugs, live stakes, bare roots, containers, relocated material and B&Bs
-Mechanical and chemical competition control
...and they've worked with major environmental groups including, the United States Air Force, the North Carolina Coastal Foundation, and the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program.

The other major contractor I found was Restoration Systems, LLC, which focuses on wetland restoration and management in order to offset further industrial development in these regions. Uniquely, this organization restores and protects wetland regions by purchasing a permanent conservation easement or fee-simple interest from property owners, and physically restoring the waterways, trees and vegetation to duplicate natural function and historic condition as closely as possible. And they have an amazing set of pics of current and past restoration projects (http://picasaweb.google.com/restorationsys). They also have a cool blog. Check it out! (http://www.restorationsystems.com/growing-season/).

On a final and less related note, I also found this wetland plant nursery, the Mellow Marsh Farm. (http://www.mellowmarshfarm.com). Such a cute, marshmellowy name! (but actually quite a legitimate wetland resource).

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